Flinderation Tunnel, WV…a haunted hillside attraction??

On US route 50 about 1 mile west of Salem, WV lies an exit for Flinderation Road.  For several years my wife and I talked about the unusual name and wondered where the name came from.  Officially known as the Brandy Gap Tunnel #2, it is commonly called the Flinderation Tunnel due to the name of the nearby Flinderation Road.

The tunnel has long been rumored to be haunted with reported sounds of phantom train whistles,  the sounds of screeching metal, etc.   This could be due to fact that the 1087 foot long tunnel runs underneath of Rt. 50 with vehicles constantly passing overhead OR could it be that it also runs under the Brandy Gap Cemetery.

There are numerous stories of strange happenings from the past.  I will share some with you and you can decide for yourself or go visit and see for yourself.

One widely accepted story is that in the 1800’s  three men working in the tunnel when a train unexpectedly approached at a high rate of speed.  One of the men escaped into one of the bubbles in the wall as seen in the accompanying photo.  Another was cut in half by the train, and a  third man  was dragged under the train for about 75 yards, cutting him to pieces causing the train to derail and a horrible accident.  He did not survive.

Another story involves the KKK using the site for lynchings up into the 1990’s prior to the removal of the train tracks.  It is interesting to note that the property was originally part if the Lynch family estate and could simply be an idea that  became twisted over time.

Whether it be phantom train whistles, footsteps, phantom mists, or apparitions such as a little boy and girl appearing it certainly is an interesting place to visit so, the next time you cross Route 50 near Salem, stop and check it out IF YOU DARE!